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District Administration

Lincoln Park Board of Education 
92 Ryerson Road
Lincoln Park, New Jersey 07035

Phone: 973-696-5500 Fax: 973-696-9273

The Superintendent's Office is headed by Mr. Robert Mooney.  Mr. Mooney handles all issues related to the educational program, residency concerns, and personnel.  The private industry equivalent of the Superintendent of Schools would be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The Business Office is headed by Dr. Victor Anaya. Dr. Anaya is the private industry equivalent of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and handles all issues related to finance, maintenance, buildings and grounds, and transportation. The Board of Education Office of Lincoln Park Schools is located at the left rear of Lincoln Park Middle School.

Robert Mooney

Victor Anaya

Melissa Flach-Bammer

David Winston

Lincoln Park Elementary School
274 Pinebrook Rd.
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Lincoln Park Middle School
90 Ryerson Rd. 
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Deirdre Mastandrea

Lincoln Park Special Services
274 Pinebrook Rd.
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035