Start Strong Assessments
The Lincoln Park School District will not be conducing Start Strong Testing during the 23-24 School Year.
Lincoln Park Elementary & Middle Schools conducted Start Strong Testing during the week of 9/19/22 - 9/23/22.
Start Strong Assessments provide a snapshot to help teachers and parents identify the most appropriate level of supports students may need in English-language arts, mathematics, and science based on priority New Jersey Student Learning Standards from the prior academic year. For example, students in Grade 4 are assessed on Grade 3 standards.
The following grade levels were assessed:
Grades 4 - 8 English-Language Arts (ELA)
Grades 4 - 8 Mathematics
Algebra I (for students in the 8th grade Algebra I class)
Grades 6 - Science.
Start Strong Assessments Results Presentation - January 2023
Families can click the image below to get more information from the New Jersey Department of Education on the Fall 2022 Start Strong Assessments.
The presentation below will offer information on how to read your child's Individual Student Report for English-Language Arts, Mathematics & Science, as well as how to access the reports (when available) through the state's online Parent Portal.